
Society "Nature Park Sakar" joins the 30th anniversary of the European Green Belt Initiative


Fellows of the Association participated in the opening of an exhibition in the village of Matochina and an informative journalistic trip in the area of ​​Igneada Longoz Forests National Park (Turkey) and Strandzha Nature Park in Bulgaria.

The events were organized by Green Balkans and Turkish partners in the period 18-24 September as part of the international commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the European Green Belt Initiative.

The “Sakar Nature Park” Association recalls that the ​​Igneada Longoz Forests National Park area was among the targeted areas of the project  "Preparation and promotion of the process of development of European ecological network NATURA2000 in Istranca Mountain" CB005.1.12.135 – Interreg IPA CBC Bulgaria - Turkey Programme 2014-2020 of the European Union, implemented by Society "Nature Park Sakar" in partnership with the Turkish NGO “DAYKO”. Located on the Black Sea coast, Turkey's National Park covers floodplain forests, coastal lakes and wetlands. In this regard, the team uses the opportunity to demonstrate to participants in the Green Belt celebration and local partners the methods for observation and monitoring of cetaceans along the Black Sea coast. The broad sandy beaches provide good conditions for collecting information on cetaceans thrown ashore and the high coasts of Strandza Mountain along the Turkish coast are suitable for dolphin observation from stationary spots on the coast. Specialized technical equipment, purchased as part of the Cross-border Cooperation Project, was used for this purpose.

For furder information: 
Stilyana Yaneva
Project coordinator
mobile: +359 878653841,

The publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union through the Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria-Turkey 2014-2020 Programme (CCI No 2014TC16I5CBC005). The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Society “Nature Park Sakar” and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union or the Managing Authority of the Programme.